I found an easy, free, and robust way of backing up my Lightroom catalogue to an external drive without any third-party software, and thought I’d share via this quick how-to post. Prepare for Terminal geekery.
The Manx coastline is dotted with many interesting wrecks, including the Steam Trawler Pasages. Originally built in 1917 for the Canadian Navy in Toronto, she made her way to the UK in the 1920s and was converted to a fishing trawler. In 1931 she ran aground in foul weather near Jurby, where she’s been quietly rusting ever since.
Without a single shred of scientific evidence, I’m going to make sweeping generalisations about battery technology, and give some personal recommendations on how you can help your rechargeable devices live longer. I’ll also touch on Battery Health Management in macOS, and why that’s important if you’re user of Thunderbolt 3 devices which always want to charge your laptop. Hold tight, this one’s gonna be geeky.